Setup Fee
Learn what set-up fees are as well as what their role inside the web hosting world is.
Whenever you acquire a brand new web hosting account, your monthly payment is processed, your account is created and as automatic as the entire process may be, there are always some things which are performed manually. For your virtual or a dedicated server there're even more things to be done since these types of hosting generally need a manual assembly, software installation and configuration, testing the server environment in order to guarantee that everything is working the way it should, and so on. To cover the expenses for the time and efforts all these duties take, many companies call for a one-time installation charge to be paid by their clients on top of the charge for the shared web hosting. The fee usually applies to any new website hosting account being obtained and it's hardly ever listed on the company’s website, still it shows up on your checkout page.
Setup Fee in Shared Web Hosting
shared web hosting packages do not have any kind of setup charges or any other concealed charges as a general rule. When you purchase your account, we will process your payment at once and then your account will be created and activated by our system without delay. The full cost that you'll need to pay for your website hosting package will be the same everywhere - on our main, order & payment pages, and you won't notice or be charged anything on top of that cost anytime. That is valid irrespective of whether you purchase multiple accounts as it is our understanding that building trust is far more important than gaining a couple of more dollars. Our account activation is instant, which means that you can go ahead and start setting up your sites straight away.