When some information is uploaded to a shared web hosting account or downloaded from it, some traffic is produced which is a component that each hosting plan includes. It's moreover one of the features it is important to check, as what amount of website traffic quota you'll need depends upon what you need the account for. The traffic is generally generated by downloads including web site visits. In simple terms, whenever somebody visits your site, the web pages are downloaded from the server on his/her computer and they're then shown by their web browser. It is also important to know that uploads matter as well, hence any time you duplicate large files from your laptop or computer to the server, some traffic is generated as well. Different companies may have different names for this particular feature, for example traffic, bandwidth, data transfer, but they all refer to the very same thing - the exact amount of incoming and outgoing data generated for some period of time.
Monthly Traffic in Shared Web Hosting
The monthly web site traffic allowance for our shared web hosting packages is sufficient for any site. Whether you have a personal blog, a discussion board or E-commerce portal, what amount of data will be transferred to and from your account or hitting some low quota limit won't be a cause for your sites to be unavailable. We also provide you with detailed web site traffic stats, therefore you will be allowed to check how much info is being downloaded all of the time. The monthly, daily and hourly numbers will inform you on how the web sites perform, which files generate most of the web site traffic and a lot more helpful details that can help you take care of your websites along with the account altogether. The statistics can be viewed with just a few clicks in your Hepsia website hosting Control Panel.